Talking of letting hair down, one of our beautiful girls Karima took the plunge with our hair stylist Federico and boy did he deliver! She now has the perfect Kardashian cut and is looking absolutely amazing. After that, the floodgates were well and truly opened, and Fede just didn’t stop delivering fresh ideas, trims and styling tips to our well deserved mums all through the evening.
Immie Loveday-Brown our superb personal stylist was pretty much an all night a blur of dresses, trousers and tops. Her feet didn't touch the ground once! We have a sneaking suspicion she may have enjoyed the night even more than our guests - completely in her element and bursting with new ideas, shapes and colours for our Mums to work with…
If you did come to the event we just wanted to say a huge thank you for making it such a fantastic first event and we hope your weren’t effected by too much by the flow of prosseco the next day!
To those who missed it, we’ll be hosting another soon so drop us an email to info@meetbernard.com
Much Love,
Ryan and Daniela