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Boat Floaters - November 2019

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The clocks have gone back, the clouds are drawing in, everyone’s going back to work, or to school, or just back indoors. It’s official: the British summer is over. As the nights draw in, warm and enrich yourselves in November and beyond with this upbeat collection of tunes

The 28-track selection lasts 126 minutes, and – as usual – mixes new and older musical gems. Jeanette’s L’Amour Joue Au Violon, Ann Peebles’ I Can’t Stand the Rain, and Luiza Manequim by Abilio Manoel are decades old, but getting plenty of air time at Boat Floaters HQ.

Other golden oldies include Quicksand by Starcrost, My People … Hold On by Eddie Kendricks, and Ella Fitzgerald’s take on the Brazilian classic Mas Que Nada.

There is plenty of 2019 freshness, this month from Caribou, Little Dragon, Masok, Freakway (whose Runnin’ is possibly my favourite tune at the moment), Layfullstop, REMI, and Matthew Halsall.

Let me know what tunes in this selection float your boat, and shoutout to the MB team for providing the best playlist-making fits this side of the river.

Yours in music,

Ollie – Boat Floaters

Listen to the playlist now – and why not check out what nice new things we’ve got for Autumn?

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